I’ve just now returned from a week-long camping trip at a cabin in the woods in Idaho with my Clarion West 2012 Classmates (see Tearful Goodbyes; see also Perfect Set-up for a Slasher Flick). I’ve been out of contact because, because the only Wifi we could find involved standing next to a wasps’ nest. And, let me tell you, there is no greater way to find one’s level of addiction than to ask her to stand in the middle of a cloud of angry, stinging beasties while waving her laptop around to try to get a signal.
As a result, though, I’m about a week late in posting a link to the amazingly glowing review of Hair Side, Flesh Side offered by Ian Mond and Kirstyn McDermott at the Writer and the Critic podcast (see An End to the Nail-Gnawing Wait; see also Wahooo!). Here, you can tune in to hear them discuss the literary ambitions of Robert Shearman, Kelly Link and Lisa Hannett, debate the finer points of angelology, and offer some serious love for “Dead White Men” (only $1.08 at Amazon!) among other stories in the collection. Laura was kind enough to e-mail me some of the highlights while I was braving the wasps, but I won’t spoil it for you — discussion begins at 2:45. You can listen to the whole podcast here.
As for the cabin in the woods, well, best not to speak of what happened there. Whatever walks there, walks alone still. But I did use the time to get some lovely cover art for my poetry chapbook The Sex Lives of Monsters, and to finish off a brand new novelette (see The Haunting of Hill House Meets Rumpelstiltskin; see also Thank God That’s Done.) That’ll be included, I imagine, in my forthcoming short story collection Gifts for the One Who Comes After due out in September, 2014.