The Short List, for Exile’s $15,000 Carter V. Cooper Short Fiction competition – and the order in which they will appear in the CVC4 Anthology. Winners announced by end of the month.
This is an amazing honour for me. Last year, my story “Lessons in the Raising of Household Objects” was short-listed and I had a blast at the award ceremony where I got to meet Sylvia Moreno-Garcia, a past winner and all around awesome gal. We dabbled in a little horse gambling and then attended a garden party at Morley Callaghan’s house. (For those of you who don’t know, Morley Callaghan was part of the great gathering of writers in Paris that included Ernest Hemingway, Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and James Joyce. Also, he apparently punched Hemingway to the mat in a boxing match. So… that’s amazing!
I was even more thrilled to read the other stories on the short list and to discovered that, one and all, they were astounding.
Here’s the full list!
Jason Timermanis
Hugh Graham
Helen Marshall
K’ari Fisher
Linda Rogers van Krugel
Susan P. Susan Redmayne
Matt Loney
Erin Soros
Gregory Betts
George McWhirter
Madeline Sonik
Leon Rooke